Ambush Candle Co.

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Creating Ambience—Our Hosting Tips & Tricks

It’s finally the season of picnics and dinner parties al fresco! We’re here to help you set the vibe with all our best hosting tips and tricks so you can create a dinner party that leaves a lasting impression.

Summer is all about getting outside with the people you love and creating memories that’ll last. Nothing brings people closer together than sharing a beautiful meal, especially one that has been intentionally planned. Impress all your friends and family by implementing these tips the next time you plan to host them.

The First Few Minutes Set the Tone

People disproportionately remember the beginning and the ending of an experience. Yet we often pay the least amount of attention to how we open and close a party. We tend to treat it as an afterthought and focus on the logistics and food instead, which is such a missed opportunity! So our first tip is to start the party off by pouring each guest a drink and greeting them right as they arrive, then gather them all together for a brief welcome toast to kick things off. Any good host will make everyone feel comfortable and special, so having a brief chat with a familiar face can encourage them to relax right off the bat. Then welcoming them again as a group gives everyone an opportunity to begin introductions with other guests they may not know yet.

Create Ambiance

Light candles to create a specific mood. Just like sitting around a fire, or dining in a dimly lit restaurant, these low lighting situations can provoke deeper conversation. This is because people tend to feel more comfortable and less exposed when the lighting is dialed down. Creating a centerpiece around candle light gets people talking and doesn’t get in the way of everyone being able to see each other, like a taller centerpiece might. Plus, the scent you choose to burn during the party can drastically change the mood.

To evoke a truly outdoor garden vibe I’d recommend lighting Gardenia.

I personally love burning Bandit when hosting because the amber scent makes a space feel so cozy, inviting, and warm.

If you're worried about bugs outdoors I’d recommend Take a Hike. The lemongrass essential oil will help repel bugs from the party. Grab the 14 oz to maximize scent throw in a larger space.

Get Guests Involved

You might think that letting your guests sit back without having to do anything is the key to letting them get comfortable, but in my experience it’s really quite the opposite. People love to be involved during a party, whether that means creating a potluck-style meal by letting them each bring something to share (even if they only bring sides), letting them help with clean up, or planning a game or activity. It always feels a little uneasy if the host is rushing around doing everything while everyone else sits with nothing to do. So let them get involved! This helps create more conversation—from sharing and commending recipes to laughing over trying a new activity together.

Plan an Activity or Theme

On that same note, give guests FUN things to do! From a simple card game to a totally unique themed night, having activities prepared can help direct the night and keep the energy high. People generally only take 45 minutes to an hour to eat, so unless you want people to start leaving right after dessert, you might want to plan for a game, craft, or activity to keep the fun going. Make sure to let everyone know ahead of time what to expect so they can look forward to more than a meal!

Create a Secondary Location

As some guests start to head out, people will feel naturally inclined to move the party to a smaller space to keep the conversation from fizzling out. Whether that means moving to a firepit, or into the kitchen, make sure to guide them to the right place as the party gets smaller. Don’t be afraid to set an ending either. If you’re ready for people to head home, you can move them into the second space and offer a “last drink”, or start handing out favors or leftover boxes. Most people will get your drift. Again, make sure to have a moment with each guest as they leave and thank them for coming.

Mahogany is the perfect small space candle. Plus, the grounding scent will have guests feeling cozy and relaxed.


Things don’t need to go perfectly to have a great dinner party; in fact, they probably won’t go perfectly! If you’ve done some planning ahead and follow the rest of these tips then your guests will still have a great time. If a dish doesn’t go as planned or someone doesn’t show up, just move on. Your guests likely won’t even notice unless you point it out. They’ll take cues from how you respond to mishaps as how to react to things. If you’re flustered then they will be too, but if you relax and adopt a chill approach to the night, so will they! Let yourself have fun and enjoy the night too.